With new Covid 19 Government restrictions impacting the real estate industry, agents have had to adapt how they show their properties to the public. We are blown away with how quickly the industry has adapted to these changes.
While you are no longer able to view properties in large groups, agents are still conducting private inspections and more recently the have begun offering virtual property tours through the use of Facebook Live, Instagram TV, Facetime, Zoom and many other digital platforms.
Now, more than ever, styling your property for sale is crucial. Why? Because if you are viewing a property virtually, it is very difficult to get a sense of the size and scale of a space. A professionally styled property will eliminate all the guesswork of the buyer as to what fits where and how to achieve the most functional furniture layout. If you want the buyer to truly envisage themselves living in the property, you need to be able to show them how.
Styling a property for sale also allows you to tell a story, craft a lifestyle and illicit an emotional response from a buyer immediately. With virtual property inspections removing the physical connection between the buyer and the property, this emotional connection is more important than it ever has been before.
At Huntley + Co we are currently offering 6 WEEKS FREE on all new contracts that are installed before the 31st of May 2020. Pay 4 weeks and receive an additional 6 weeks free – that is a total hire period of 10 weeks. Enquire with us today.